Eine unvoreingenommene Sicht auf rezepte

The first historic evidence of the important mining tradition of Essen date back to the 14th century, when the princess-abbess welches granted mining rights. The first silver Pütt opened rein 1354, but the indisputably more important coal was not mentioned until 1371, and coal mining only began rein 1450.

[18] The Krupp Works also were the main reason for the large Fortpflanzungsgemeinschaft growth beginning hinein the mid-19th century. Essen reached a Tierbestand of 100,000 rein 1896. Other industrialists, such as Friedrich Grillo, who hinein 1892 donated the Grillo-Schmierenkomödie to the city, also played a major role rein the shaping of the city and the Ruhr area in the late 19th and early 20th century. World War I and occupation[edit]

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Grugapark: With a total area of 70 ha (173.0 acres), the Grünanlage near the exhibition halls is one of the largest urban parks rein Germany and, although entry is not free of charge, one of the most popular recreational sites of the city. It includes the city's botanical garden, the Botanischer Garten Grugapark.

A Stück of the A 52 connects Essen with the more southern region around Kreisdurchmesserüsseldorf. On Essen territory, the A 52 runs from the southern boroughs near Mülheim an der Ruhr past the fairground and then merges with the Ruhrschnellweg at the Autobahndreieck Essen-Ost junction east of the city centre.

The first documented mention of Essen dates back to 898, when Zwentibold, King of Lotharingia, willed territory on the wildwestfilm bank of the River Rhine to the abbey. Another document, describing the foundation of the abbey and allegedly dating back to 870, is now considered an 11th-century forgery.

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[48] After UNESCO had declared it a World Heritage Site in 2001, the complex, which had lain idle for a long time and welches even threatened to be demolished, began to Teich a period of redevelopment. Under the direction of an agency borne by the Grund of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city itself, several arts and design institutions settled mainly on the grounds of the former coal mine; a redevelopment plan for the coking plant is to Beryllium realised.

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Opened rein 1913, the then-New Synagogue served as the central meeting place of Essen's pre-war Jewish community. The building ranks as one of the largest and most impressive testimonies of Jewish culture in pre-war Germany.

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